Wednesday, April 28, 2010

su3peR sIz3 me 2 8=D

1. Do you think consumers (people who buy things) have the right to sue McDonalds for selling unhealthy food? Why or why not?

my opinion is yes because its making people get obis and there making it worst for kids as there growing up as well as adults.

2. McDonalds is the largest owner of private playgrounds in the world. What other ways does McDonalds use to market their food to children?

the other way that they use to attract the kids to go to mcdonalds is they have party`s and toy`s and some kids beg there mom to go over there.

3. How many calories do you think a healthy kid should eat in a day (click here for a clue)? According to the movie, how many calories are in a Super Size fries? How about a Double Gulp soda?

I think a healthy like me should eat up to 980 calories a day.The super size fries has up to 300 calories.The double gulp soda has around 280 calories.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

sUp3R S1zE M3 8=D (1)

1. How many times a week do you eat at McDonalds or other fast food restaurants? Do you ever think about whether what you are eating is healthy? Why or why not?

I eat mcdonalds on special eqations.I never think about what am i eating healthy because i work out every day.

2. What do you predict will happen to Morgan’s health at the end of the month? Do you think he will remain in perfect health?

he will get high cholestrol and high blood pressure.I think that morgan will be obis and over wight.

3. In one scene there is a shot of a McDonalds inside of a hospital. What do you think about that? Do you find it normal, funny, strange, or sad?

i think thats bad because theres sick people in the hospital that are probably over wight and there eating garbage food.i find it sad that theres a mikey ds in a hospital.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

dA MeATRix

1. the antibiotic killed the animals.

2.they were stuffed in cages dieing on each other.
3.young girls were growing boobs at early age (growth hormone).
4.there were taking the animals poop and putting it in the rivers and it will pollute the air.
5.the people who worked with the cows, fed the cows blood to drink.