Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9/11 Attack!!

Edgar's 9/11
by: techbrarian

Monday, September 12, 2011

1. Describe what your favorite design looked like? my favorite designed looked like the twin towers and a big point in the middle.

2. How were the designs different, how were they the same? There different because of the shapes and and the building are made.alot of them used glass

3. If you could create a memorial for 9/11 what would it look like? If i made a memorial it would have a statue with a water fall coming down its eyes.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First off, I want to tell you what a crapy summer I had. Not only did I sleep , but I also played ps3 and box. One thing that I didn’t do (but wish I had) was go out of the country. It feels so wack to be at school because there are so much little kids and make me feel little.

Anyhow, I just watched a Men in Black video clip and it was really funny. I couldn’t believe that Will Smith made front of that man. Looking at Mr. Lahana’s “MOST IMPORTANT THINGS” list it’s pretty clear this video was talking about take risk. This is because .

On #4 of Mr. Lahana’s “MOST IMPORTANT THINGS” list he talks about finding what you love. Besides texting, Facebooking, and drooling over my favorite star Will smith, I’m into some serious stuff. Stuff that not everyone’s into– like playing video games. It’s true! I could spend hours playing and time just vanishes. If you gave me access to a computer with a camera, Garageband, Scratch, Photoshop or 3D design software I would make a song that showed off my talent at *. But you know, I’m not perfect at my talent yet. By the end of the year I hope I can make a beat and rap. Well, that’s all I have time to write for now– see ya!