Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It is one of the most powerful words in the English language. The N Word ranges from being playful slang amongst friends to a word of pure hatred. In this school, the N Word gets thrown around casually, like it’s no big deal. As if the word means “friend”, “kid”, “dude”, “boy/girl” or “sister/brother”. The problem is this: the N Word means much more than that. It has a dirty, horrible history that can’t be washed away no matter how many times it is used. Some argue that black people have taken the N Word and made it their own– thus taking its power away from the people who use it in a racist way. What do you think? Watch this video and answer the questions below.

N Word Part 1

N Word Part 2

1. Where does the N-Word Come from? Why does it offend some people so much?

2. Should non-black people be able to use the N-Word?

3. Should musicians stop using the N-Word?

4. Do other ethnic groups (for example, Chinese, Jews, and Dominicans) use ethnic slurs like the N-Word to describe themselves? If not, Why?

Extra Credit: Write a poem or song against the use of the N-Word.

1.The word N***a comes from hip-hop. It offends people so much because the N word brings back memory from slave time.

2.I think it okay for people should use the word n***a only if you dont use it in the terms like "N***er come over here"!

3. I mean personally I don't think they should stop using N***a because it doesn't offend me>

4.No, I they dont have a